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It’s a wonderful feeling to surrender your life to your savior.

It may not be the topic of every human interaction in your day, but it’s never far from your thoughts and certainly, it pervades your quiet moments at home. It’s really a good thing if the person you choose to share those quiet moments with feels the same way. It orients what you value and the decisions you make. If you can find such a companion, truly, it’s like the sun rising on a new day, and then never setting.

Stop dating.

Find your soulmate and start relating.

Is more dating what you’re really looking for?

If you’ve been trying to figure out how online dating apps work and struggling to make real human connections through the profiles and the swiping, is that what you really want? What if there was a way to bypass all that and get right to the good stuff; your first meeting with your soulmate, getting to know each other, planning a future together, then living it every day thereafter. That’s the way it happens in your dreams. What if there were companies that provide those very services? Well there are. They’re called professional matchmakers.

Stop dating, start relating

Get Started Now. It's Quick and Easy.

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Of course, that's just the beginning. If you and your matchmaker agree that you’re a good fit with their clientele, then the matchmaking process begins. After building your profile, coaching if you wish, dating, feedback, and more dating; eventually the day will come when you tell them “Put me on hold. I think I’ve found the one.” And then the life you dream of really begins.

Talk to a Professional.

Professional matchmakers meet every client in person, and can come to know you better than you know yourself, at least in the characteristics that you bring to the table for relationships. They can mentor you in becoming the person you want to be to a partner. Your matchmaker can diagnose and help you get past any of your mental blocks and predispositions that may be keeping you from picking good partners. Their recommendations sometimes include people clients would not have taken notice of on their own, but every match comes from more relationship experience than you could gain in a lifetime.

“But I don’t need help dating.”

You may not feel that you ‘need help’ in the area of relationships, but the important measure is; would the input of a relationship expert expedite your path to the relationship you desire, and/or give you a better result? Think about it. If you patronize doctors, lawyers, accountants and the like, you believe in employing some expertise on your behalf in important issues. You may never have considered finding your soulmate as important enough to get a professional on your side, but as an ingredient of a happy life, what could be more important?

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About Us

We believe in professional matchmaking as an alternative to online dating that is a more direct and successful path to an enduring relationship with your soulmate. But matchmaking is, by its nature, a local business, so matchmakers in your area can be hard to find.

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About You

You just complete our QuickStart questionnaire and based on factors like your age and where you live, our system will instantly recommend a local matchmaker for you. That’s it. You get a free consultation with the matchmaker to learn if you qualify and if it’s right for you.

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What’s in it for me?

Your relationship happiness is the business of professional matchmakers. Professional matchmaking is not a self-serve jungle like online dating. It’s more like a guided tour with concierge services.

Typically, a professional matchmaker’s services include…