Single And Over 50
Single And Over 50

What’s In It For Me?

Your relationship happiness is the business of professional matchmakers. Professional matchmaking is not a self-serve jungle like online dating. It’s more like a guided tour with concierge services.

Typically, a professional matchmaker’s services include:

  • Personality testing to determine what type of person will fit you like a glove and appreciate you.
  • A search agency, kinda like the staffing companies that businesses use. Matchmakers use sophisticated internet searches and even advertise to find the right people for you.
  • Help building your profile to present you well.
  • Concierge service for your dates. This feature varies with the matchmaker, but can include matching by professionals, introductions, arranging dates, and singles events.
  • Coaching is usually an option. It helps you become the person the person you want wants (a tongue-twister, but an important concept).
  • A pool of people that share your goal of an enduring relationship. That’s the only kind of people that engage professional matchmakers.

In short, when you engage a professional matchmaker, you’ve put yourself in a position not for more dates with strangers, but for the relationship that fulfills you.

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Of course, that's just the beginning. If you and your matchmaker agree that you’re a good fit with their clientele, then the matchmaking process begins. After building your profile, coaching if you wish, dating, feedback, and more dating; eventually the day will come when you tell them “Put me on hold. I think I’ve found the one.” And then the life you dream of really begins.

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